January 19th, 2013

This saturday afternoon has me thinking about one thing, and one thing only.  Doubt.  

Doubt can do so much damage.  Even though so many people have told us that they are praying for our trip, I still doubt.  Some days, I don't think that I can raise this money or that God is actually going to ask us to live out his Gospel.  
Some days I have so much fear inside me that I just want to curl up in a ball and pretend it isn't happening.  Most days, I'm scared.  But then, all it takes is one day, or one hour, or one moment when I can hear God speak to me through another person or through a song or through a feeling of peace.  All it takes is that one gift of faith to clean me up and dust me off and I'm right back in the game.  

When I think about this one life I have to live, most of the time it just makes my head hurt.  But sometimes I am graced with some clarity of thought and I remember who I am in the eyes of my God.  HE reminds me that it is not about surviving through this life.  No one can do that.  We will not live forever in this place, but our true home is more perfect than we can possibly imagine.  So why live safe?  Why be surrounded by a foam pit of comfort and man-made security while I am on this earth and deny God, the most loving father, His true desire to reveal Himself to us in spectacular ways that we can't explain?  What is intriguing about this world is that it is the only time in our eternal life that we cannot see the face of God clearly and we don't understand His wisdom or His ways.   This earth is the only time we live in darkness, and our only chance to find the joy in seeking light.  

So all you who fear, all you who are weary and who doubt that there is a God who loves you more than you know...come to the light.  Bring every imperfection, every jar of tears and every hope you have because there is a God who loves you so much that he died for you.  He fought off the enemy and he will fight for your soul because you, YOU, are more precious to Him than his own life.  That is love.  And it is for you.  

"The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still"
Exodus 14:14

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